Monday, November 17, 2008

SOC101 Reflective Writings #1

RW #1 - What are some social problems that concern you? How might studying sociology help you in contributing to the resolution of such social problems? How might you incorporate your concern about these social problems into this class?

Right now I am studying Western Civilization in addition to Sociology. Studying history is like learning all about past societies; how they evolved as well as how they fell. So I am really starting to appreciate the value of studying how different cultures exist; of the past as well as in the present. Right now in making a personal choice for choosing a new President of the U.S. is close at hand; we are more in touch, and more aware of the many pressing social problems and concerns currently within our own country. The foremost concern on my mind, and a large number of U.S. citizens as well, is our countries economic stability as it directly relates to my personal financial decisions. I recently was reading about the fall of the great Roman Empire. One of the reasons the author of my history book attributed the fall was the fact that Roman rulers had spent way to much money and resources fighting too many foreign wars, while at home inflation rose swiftly. I attempt to make the comparison of our current foreign war, and current inflation problem to the fall of the Roman Empire as evidence that history really does repeat itself. I don’t know much about the study of sociology, but I do see the educational value it brings to trying to understand social problems. By using scientific approaches data that is collected and reviewed is a good source of insight to social tendencies, and can help create templates for solving social problems. By attempting to share my points of view in class discussions, I might be adding some insight to these subjects and concerns.

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