Monday, April 20, 2009

Bryan ZingmarkBIO-205-I012/05/09
Assignment 5 Week 4 (Unit 2)
A. Discuss how the ever increasing "World's population" effects the environment.

The exponential growth rate of the last 2 centuries was literally incredible. The population of the world has grown by 6 billion people in just 179 years. Since the year I was born the population has increased by 3 billion. That is an increase of over 1 billion people every 10 years. These numbers are startling, and it really makes you think about how the rate of change began growing so much in the 1900’s.

I think it is safe to assume that the industrialization of countries and benefiting economies is the link to this growth. In fact it isn’t an assumption at all the developing and industrialization of countries is directly linked to population growth and the lowering of mortality rates around the world.How does population growth affect our world’s environments? Well the list of ways that people affect or damage the environments around them could go on forever. Multiply that list by the number of people and the projected population increase and it is easy to see the negative effects the “world’s population” has on the environment. I will attempt to examine a few of the environmental issues that I feel are important to me.

As the population grows so does the strain put on the worlds natural resources. The people demand sources to of power to satisfy their daily needs. To provide these sources of power companies must deplete and refine natural resources and fossil fuels. Countries allow and even encourage the gathering of these resources ensuring growth and prosperity for these nations. When resources are depleted it put a huge strain on the environment surrounding these industries. Pollution is a guaranteed side affect, to both the air, and ground water and fresh water systems.

As the population grows, so does the need for the clearing of land; for new housing developments, and agricultural purposes. This puts a horrible strain on local ecosystems and again is directly related to the polluting fresh water systems.Unclean water, along with poor sanitation, kills over 12 million people each year, most in developing countries. Air pollution kills nearly 3 million more. Heavy metals and other contaminants also cause widespread health problems. ( If we use this example to project the long term effects pollution has on the life of humans on Earth, it is obvious that the death rates will increase as the population grows. Basically as the population grows so will the number of deaths related to pollution. At the current rates we are polluting our Earth we our setting up the future generations to suffer terribly. It is up to us as individuals and societies, to figure out possible solutions for the strains our growing populations puts on our environment. We can start with recycling and getting involved with world stewardship organizations. Every one of us leaves a carbon footprint which shows our individual consumption history. We need to learn what our individual carbon foot print is and find ways to lessen our impact on the

Which world view do you support and why, Cornucopianism or Environmentalism

Deciding which world view I support is a no-brainer for me. I am aware of many of the environmental concerns facing our world today. I believe that caring for the environment, and making an effort to familiarize myself with environmental issues is a good start to supporting environmentalism.

We as humans are contributing to the rapid altering of the Earths environment. Population growth is one of the major factors contributing to environmental problems. With so many people to support, the Earths natural resources are being depleted. Pollution of the Earths atmosphere is likely contributing to changes in climate. Climate change is very real, and is changing the Earths temperature. “Anthropogenic greenhouse gasses (those due to human activities) have contributed substantially to the observed warming over the past 50 years.”(Wright, pg.7) The temperature rise is attributed to the melting of the Earths polar ice caps. With so much fresh water being added to the worlds oceans, the earths weather patterns are beginning to be disrupted, thereby affecting ecosystems throughout the world. The warming of the worlds oceans adds to the carbon dioxide levels in the world’s oceans, and the Earths atmosphere. This contributes to changes in the alkalinity of the oceans which has a detrimental effect on the Earths coral reefs. Changes in the alkalinity also, “decreases the thickness and integrity of the skeletal structures of plankton organisms that are key to the marine food web and are also responsible for the removal of carbon dioxide from the marine environment.” ( When our oceans suffer the worlds largest natural food source is endangered. Another issue related to climate change is the growth of the Earth’s desserts and dry places. We can see first hand the affects that drought has on our local lakes, rivers, ponds, and streams.

It is important for us as humans to be aware of our environment. For thousands of years the world’s populations lived in harmony with the Earths abundant resources. It is only over the past 300 years or so that we have contributed to such a transformation of our environment. I dare not speculate that we as humans are the only source contributing to climate change. Furthermore I do not argue that the climate as we know it is only way the earth should be. The earth has been changing for as long as it has been created. There are forces at work behind the changing of the Earth well beyond the scope of my comprehension. However, if we as a human race wish to continue living here on the Earth, we must learn again how to live in harmony with the Earth.We definitely need to stop the abuses of Cornucopianism. The depletion of the Earths resources and use of fossil fuels is destroying the environment we all take for granted. We as societies need to start working together to make changes that will help the environments we live in. We as individuals need to learn what we can do to help the environment; then we need to take action to defend the vital ecosystems we depend so heavily upon.

Works Cited:Wright, Richard T., Environmental Science

Thursday, February 5, 2009

YAY!! Blowing Glass Again!!

Well I am very fortunate indeed, and there are truly some very kind individuals left in this world. A friend of mine whom I haven't seen in about 3 years has been very hospitable to me recently. After he found out that I was longing to blow glass again he offered me some space in his studio, to come and blow glass with him. This is such a wonderful opportunity for me, and I am truly grateful for the kindness this Friend has shown me. His studio is a short drive from my house, and I am able to go blow glass a few days a week for a few hours at a time. I Really LOVE to blow glass. It is so awesome to get back behind a torch and dance with the flames the torch produces. Blowing glass is truly my artistic passion. It is so nice to be able to blow glass again, and not have to worry about having to produce glass to pay the bills. This opportunity is allowing me to really enjoy glass once more.
The more time I spend behind the torch the more I remember about how glass moves; as it transforms solid glass into liquid glass, and then back into a solid. Glass is such a unique artistic medium. With glass an artist can create 3D forms which are only limited by the artists imagination and skills. If a glass artist has enough skills the glass grants him or her the ability to create anything imagined.

I have decided for now to focus on making glass pendants to be worn as jewelry. Glass jewelry is so beautiful; it is even more stunning when viewed in the sunlight. The color combinations are endless. There are so many wonderful and beautiful colors to chose from, and most artists enjoy mixing these colors together with a plethora of techniques to get the effects they envision.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Glass Blowing

I have a real passion for art, and I am so ready to get back to blowing glass. I am jones'n to get behind the torch and dance with the elements of fire, solids, liquid, and gravity. I started blowing glass in 1999, In the mountains of North Carolina just west of Asheville. I was 24. Working in the medium of glass was very addicting to me. I spent 12 hours nearly every night for the first few months of my learning curve. I was fortunate to work with, and be taught by 4 of my friends who were all at different levels of experience. They were willing to teach me the ropes while lending me the supplies I needed to experiment and create with. I am very thankful for those who provided me with the opportunities to blow glass with them.

Being able to spend that much time blowing glass, day in and day out, I soon started to develop the skills that provided for me to run a small yet lucrative glass blowing business. I spent the next five years learning about, and creating with hot glass. I spent a lot of time making production pieces ,that would take between 10-25 minutes; these I would sell at wholesale prices. This was one avenue of bringing in income. I would also make glass pieces that I would spend 6-12 hours on. These pieces would be very intricate, consisting of lots of color patterns and very unique shaping. These were my favorite pieces to make because they would stretch the limits of my knowledge of glass. I always enjoyed pushing my limits to see where I could go with it.

I have only blown glass a few times over the past few years, mainly because I don't have a studio set up currently. I do like to spend time blowing with my friends though from time to time. But the urges to get behind a torch and being creative are really boiling up inside. I am making plans to build a shop and equip it with all new ventilation and glass blowing equipment. I am very much looking forward to making new glass art.

Check out these videos about creating glass art

Milon Townsend


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

SOC101 Reflective Writings #52

RW #52 – Is it easy to find a job that is in sync with one’s values? What job/career do you aspire to? What factors do you think contribute to job satisfaction? Do you think you will have job satisfaction in your chosen job/career? Do you think you will experience value contradictions in your chosen job/career?

Finding a job that is in sync with my values is not easy but it is possible. The best way I can do this is to be an Entrepreneur and thereby create a job that reflects my core values. The main value that is focused on here, is to not have to work for someone else. That is so important to me. For five years I ran a glass art business. This is where I discovered that I did have career values, and for the most part realized what they were. I also learned that in order to be a much more successful business owner; I should go to school and pursue a business degree. I am looking forward owning and managing a green construction, residential and commercial building company. I really believe that being a part of an environmentally conscious company like this would really contribute to personal job satisfaction. Green construction is not the easiest or cheapest way to build, so I think there will be many value contradictions along the way. But as long as I stick to my core values, the obstacles along the way will only help to make my company stronger and greener.

SOC101 Reflective Writings #36

RW #36 – As the world population continues to grow beyond 6 billion people, what challenges can we expect to face? Consider competition for space and other scarce resources; jobs; pollution; and more. Do you think we as a nation or as a world should strive to control the growth of the human population? If so, how? You can refer to the following website for more information:

Striving to control the growth of the human population is not a movement that I would support. For religious and moral reasons, I believe that every child who is conceived should have the chance to come to this earth and work out his or her salvation. As for the population growth and the factors it is playing out in the world society there are quite a few issues that are in need of a solution. There are ways to live more in harmony with the Earth that insures less of an impact to the Earths vital resources. It is only very recently (the last 2 hundred years) that we as humans have been making such a detrimental impact on the Earth. Making drastic changes in manufacturing, mining, refining, and transportation emissions would help pollution levels around the world. (which would be a good start) Some places in the world have begun to literally run out of space. This correlates with the depletion of biological resources. Japan seems to be a wealthy enough country to learn and adapt to soaring population growth. They have utilized residential construction methods that are tall, and incorporate thousands of families. So there are some solutions to the world’s population problems, it will probably take a very long time before the answers are figured out on a global scale.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

SOC101 RW #11

RW #11 - What are some of the values you hold most dear? How did you come to have those values? Do any of your values contradict with one another?

One of the core values which is of the upmost importance in my life is value of family unity. I have been married for 2 ½ years and we have a 6 month old son. They are the most important thing on this earth to me. More important than my career, education, house or any ideal or material thing that I may possess. My family is the reason I work hard, seek an education, and pay for a house so we live more comfortably. This sense of family value was instilled in me in my youth. As important to me that my small family is, my paternal family is equally important; just as my wife’s family is to her and to us. We were raised according to another core value we hold dear which is our religion. Our religion’s main focus is that families are forever, in heaven just as they are on earth. I consider it such a blessing to be part of a family that knows how important it is to stick together throughout the good times as well as the bad. I am a firm believer that this value has molded me into the man I am today.